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Effective Advice On How To Write A Freelance Bio

When you start working as a freelance writer one of the most beneficial tools you have is your biography. Your freelance bio is also preferred to as a profile. If you are turning to a third-party freelance website you will most likely hear the term profile instead of bio, but they are both the same. The purpose of this bio is to provide potential clients with some information about yourself and your services. It functions in the exact same fashion as a regular biography but in many cases it is designed to fit the structure of the website. For example some third-party freelance websites will have a specific layout so that your profile looks a bit more similar to a social networking profile rather than a biographical novel. This might include a short biography about your background, a list of your skills, a link to your portfolio, a photo, your education, and your resume.

  1. When you are writing an effective freelance bio you want to make sure that you provide detailed information on the most relevant features. This means emphasizing your education if that is your strong suit, emphasizing your work history if you work for a reputable firm, or even emphasizing your skill set if you are perhaps young and new without formal education. What you choose to highlight is truly contingent upon what skills you have and what aspects of yourself you want featured prominently. You should always make sure to include a professional looking photo as well as rudimentary contact information and a list of your current skills. Many freelance websites today allow you to test your skill set and then display the results so that clients can literally see how you stack up to other freelancers in particular categories.
  2. You want to include a thorough portfolio. If you have previously written something which was published in a magazine, include a link to that publication online or A-scan copy of the in print publication. If you are a student or you are a young freelancer with very little work experience and a great deal of passion and skill, take that and use it to draft a few feature articles on the subject you are passionate about or scan a copy of a previously submitted term paper. All of these can serve as great examples to include in your portfolio. Having some form of samples to present to potential clients gives them the opportunity to review what skills you have and to see whether you’re particular writing style best matches their needs.