Discovering Great Freelance Writing Jobs For 17 Year Olds
The internet is full of writing jobs that do not care how old or how young you are, making it a great place to start working as a freelance writer when you are young. When you are starting out as a freelance writer, it is important that you prepare yourself. Freelance writing can be a rewarding career path or a supplemental income method. No matter your purpose for getting involved in freelance writing, it is important that you protect yourself. When you are young, you want to make sure you are not taken advantage of.
You will need to gain some feedback, something you get from your first jobs. Of course, much like the traditional workplace, landing that first job can be difficult. In the world of freelance writing, landing your first job might mean working at a very low rate, just so that you can get started, so that you can earn some positive feedback and start building a credible portfolio. This is where you have to be careful. There are many jobs out there that are looking for new freelance writers, knowing that they can exchange positive feedback for low costs. It is perfectly acceptable for you to do this once or twice to gain feedback, but you also want to know what your skills are worth so that you can start to take on jobs that offer higher pay or pass on job invitations for pay that is far too low.
One of the biggest struggles that newcomers face is not knowing what the standard rate is for services they provide. If you do not think of a job in terms of hours it will take you or payment per words, you might end up taking on a job that takes you two hundred hours for three hundred dollars. If you are young, you might not realize that it will take two hundred hours, and you might think that three hundred dollars is a lot of money. The important thing is to know how much time and effort a job will take and to gauge your rates based on that. If you can set an hourly rate, such as $15 per hour, you can always ask that a client make a job an hourly job, so that you do not have to guess how much time it will take and can instead just negotiate a certain number of hours.